Tuesday, July 3, 2012

morning inspiration

Suprise! After traveling through the night, I am now writing to you from my parent's kitchen in Wisconsin! Sneaky huh? I love being home for the 4th, very classic small town celebration, so even though Ry couldn't get away, I decided to make the trip. Sidenote-I have discovered that my body no longer can handle overnight trips on the bus. And to think I used to make that trip & even longer in college to see Ry! :)

During my travels last night, I stumbled upon this awesome TED talk (if you haven't every checked out TED talks, you must! So.wonderful.) that I just had to share...it's a little under 20 minutes, but you can just listen along as you finish your morning routine or sip on your coffee....if nothing else, just listen to the first few minutes to the first spoken poem that Sarah Kay shares with the audience.

Sarah Kay, "If I should have a daughter" -spoken word poet & founder of Project V.O.I.C.E

Knowing that some day I might have a daughter of my own, her words in the first poem just struck a cord with me and I knew I wanted to save her words for a day in the unknown future that I could pass along....hope you enjoy!  

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