Thursday, June 14, 2012

Instagram prints!

Instagram has got to be one of the most popular apps out there for smart phones and you can definitely see why-great finishes for all your impromtu shots and a fun way to share with your friends and family...especially if you aren't into tweeting everything (guilty!)
With all the great shots you get using Instagram, it's only natural that you would want to have way to gaze upon them in all their insta-glory with some hard copies of these photos! Lucky for you, Kanvess makes this possible and even better, it's affordable!

Only 25 cents a print and free shipping when you order over a 100, which may seem one too many, but for only $25, there are a lot of photo projects in the works for these puppies! The photos are 3x3 and could work really well for decorations in your house or apartment, like these ideas below.... 

swap out these regular pics for your insta-prints


  1. Thanks for sharing. I love the finished product. I do not tweet either (I just don't understand it) but I am an avid instagramer. I will have to print instagram photos ASAP!
